Warning: There should be no need to provide your bank account details or to send any cash when applying for a job. We strongly advise that jobseekers should never supply bank account details or any other financial information |
JOB SEARCH Non-Profit Link Partners |
Job Finder (in German)
Enter ''Hamburg'' above, in ''Ort'', and select ''Finden''. The results should appear on this page, some in English. By selecting the links, you are opening the data provided by another website or websites. We are not responsible in any form or manner for any of the services provided by these companies, for example jobs and links. We were asked to include this service on Hamburg English Pages by Careerjet. So far we are pleased with the results.
Careerjet | General Hamburg Search
eBay Job Searches:
eBay Kleinanzeigen - Search within 50km of your postcode. Avoid Freelance work. Agree to jobs with contracts and with all legal payments, organised by the company. Ask for long-term contracts. Check all jobs for serious intention. |
Unemployed Persons Help www.arbeitslosen-telefonhilfe.de |
Arbeitslosen-Telefonhilfe / Unemployed Person Telephone Help - It often helps to visit these people first before starting the long and sometimes hard journey of applying for various forms of unemployment benefit. If you don't know what you are signing, ask here first. They will also help you to write a CV in the German format. Knowledge of German required - take somebody with you. Click graphic above
Basic English explanation - this link opens without the menu frame, so click this link and the banner above to navigate - click here to open. They will also give advice to employed persons who have problems or legal questions - details on the website
If calling, you often need to leave a message. It is possible that they will take up to three days to call back, so if your problem is urgent, it might pay to visit them. If anyone has experienced a visit to this organisation, please let us know how it went and if and how they helped. This info will be useful to others
Use this site to translate pages: http://translate.google.co.uk |
Hartz IV - Arbeitslosen Geld II (ALG II) |
The following links are in German. If you do not speak fluent German, seek help before starting. |
ZDF TV Guide to ALG II (video and instruction format) |
ZDF Arbeitslosengeld II |
www.arbeitsmarktreform.de - publications |
The forms you need to apply for ALG II are here / ALG II telephone infolines |
October 2005 (Archive) - Changes have been made to the system, hence the links above. Processing of claims is still not perfect. Many mistakes are reportedly being made and some claims have not been calculated correctly. Check and double check claim forms and info given. Triple check all papers you are sent when the claim has been processed. |
HARTZ 4 - Horror changes to unemployment payments. At the end of 2004 payments were no longer made at the end of the month, rather at the beginning of the month - as with current social security payments. The unemployment payment system was merged with the social security payment system, giving what is known as Arbeitslosengeld II. This means that payments for Arbeitslosenhilfe, not Arbeitslosengeld, fell by as much as €300 or more a month! In December 2004, that meant that unemployed people not only had to wait from the 1st December to the end of January, for payments to be made, a massive part of the payment had been cut as well, causing serious hardship. The Arbeitsamt/Job Centre promised a better service in return, but reports point to the usual total chaos, lack of knowledge and lack of job offers - they are not ready and probably never will be, in spite of circa 85 million Euros of tax payers money being thrown away for this amazing new system. The service might be improved later, but most people think that an improvement is not possible - too much needs to be changed, including the serious attitude problems of some civil servants working at the Arbeitsamt - more details here in German or here in roughly translated English - Advice about unemployment (see translate links). Search for websites in ENGLISH or The Hartz Reform (the reasons why) |
Official German Forms - From unemployment to customs and much more |
Inflation, jobless figures... monthly Economic Reports |
American Job Titles - German/English |
What to expect. Germans are generally given jobs first, then Europeans/English speaking people that can speak German very well, along with those that have an understanding of local markets and differing working practices, business methods and mentalities. This is an observation an not official or an opinion.
Look for jobs in the Jobs Abroad sections of respected job agencies or find companies in your land that are looking for people to work for them in Germany. For example, using UK online job agencies could help, for example, Australians, New Zealanders, Americans and Canadians can laos find jobs in Germany this way |
Did you know? 60% of the World's books on tax are about the German tax system! Maybe one third of all German civil servants could lose jobs, if the system in general was as easy to understand and work with as in some other lands... Tax reforms designed to make the system easier, often complicate matters further |
"Remember that everyone is influenced by kindness" |
archive news and features - a collection |
December 2009 | The job situation is set to get worse in 2010. News link: updated on every click |
Top Tip. Do not work as an English teacher, on a self-employed basis. Some schools do not tell you all that is really required by law here. A sign may be that they'll accept teachers without qualifications. Some teachers work illegally, without knowing it, or cause serious problems in later life, in reference to tax, health and retirement,payments etc. A school should show serious interest in your services by offering an employed status contract. There are many exceptions and many good schools. Be careful and fully informed first. Don't be taken for a ride, you'll regret it later. |
MEPs Vote to Scrap Britain's Working Time Opt-Out
Guardian Unlimited - 11th May 2005
The British government yesterday suffered a serious blow to its campaign for flexible labour markets at home and throughout the European Union when MEPs voted by a large majority to scrap Britain's opt-out from the maximum 48-hour working week - Related articles |
Official German Forms |
Make working life better in your business - acas.co.uk |
The special 15 Euro unemployed persons monthly train and bus ticket, supplied with the help of the train company and the Arbeitsamt, has been scrapped as of 1st January 2004 - in this case the train companies are to blame. Many other concessions will also be scrapped and benefit payments lowered later - ask the local train ticket office for details of monthly tickets. It is cheaper if you have the amount debited monthly from your bank account, over one year, rather than apply for it each month - you will also save time waiting in the awful queues that build at the end of the month at ticket counters |
The official German jobs website has eventually been improved! One of Germany's worst websites has been replaced. The new job pages went online around 1st Dec 2003. Let's hope it is an improvement! One thing is for sure, it can't be worse than the other one - let us know about any bugs you may find > https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/vam/ - First bug: This is a secure website, from the first page onwards, therefore it cannot be translated using basic online translation tools! Well done! UPDATE 2009: It is just as bad as it was before, it just looks different
Arbeitsamt (Job Centre) - Addresses in Hamburg with opening times |
Dec 2003: Jobless figures rose, but the first signs of an upturn are now showing up in official figures. No confirmation has been given if this will continue in 2004. Bankruptcies decreased. |
Oct 2003 update: If you are intending to come to Hamburg and are relying on getting a job here, we can only warn you not to come unless you are highly qualified. The amount of jobs registered as being available is well down in Hamburg, compared with last year. Example of registered available jobs at the official job centre only (Arbeitsamt): Sept 2002: 10497 and Sept 2003: 7247 down by 3250 |
October 2003: Hamburg is expecting to finish the year with a record amount of bankruptcies. The situation is not getting better and the first signs of an upturn are expected this time next year with luck, but 7 years will be needed for full recovery! The job situation is now critical and the job pages continue to shrink. Toom supermarket reported a record number of applications for various shelf-filling and cashier positions, from people from all walks of life. The jobless figures have increased substantially - Related news: Work permits in Germany - Expatica |
Unemployment Statistics for Hamburg >> Rough Translation of website |
Arbeitsamt... If you need to register, you must go in person every time - note opening times. They deliberately leave the phones of the hook in some cases and can be very unhelpful, if not rude... many are very helpful. Using the phone and E-Mail address will not help much. Some workers are very competent, but are hard to reach. Golden rule, be more informed about your rights than they are, as they will only give you half of the info you require - you will need help from German speakers and taking a witness with you does occasionally help to get things moving - it is possible that they will take more than three months to process claims. If you require funding for training, gather all the info before going to the Arbeitsamt, from independent sources. We have been informed that Arbeitsamt Wandsbek is competent in most matters and Altona would not win any competitions. YOUR BEST BET is to take independent advice before going: CLICK HERE |
Please send us more of your experiences, so we can gather info to help others - this is very important to help others overcome the difficulties |
Arbeitsamt (Job Centre) - Addresses in Hamburg with opening times |
Interesting Job Tips OR Jobs in Europe |
Job Search - add Hamburg as key word and country Germany New |
Finding Work in Germany FAZ Weekly News - June 2003 |
The Latest Job News Hamburg & Germany |
Hamburg Temp Agencies List of agencies with offices in Hamburg - Links |
London: Sizzling Economy Keeps Jobs Coming |
Top |
Wage Calculator Rough computer translation |
Gehaltrechner Original website to above |
Search for other websites - translate results using Translation Page |
Why use Temp agencies? The pay may be a little lower, but a job supplied by an agency is the best foot in the door. A permanent job is often offered. Temp agencies are usually very well informed about the job markets and it pays to ask the right questions, or do your homework on the internet first. Beware of agencies that work for companies that have a policy of employing mostly temps, in order to throw them out quickly and in order to pay well below the average wage - reportedly, Schlecker, T-Systems and Airbus. Companies, such as these, reportedly rarely offer internal positions |
CV / Resumé |
Getting Good References - Source in UK as general guide |
Grundregeln für das Schreiben einer Bewerbung - Application Tips in German |
Monster.co.uk: Finding Vacancies - Guide to Job Hunting - Hunting the Hidden Position - CVs & Applications - Complete Guide on CV Preparation - Complete Guide to Job Application Interviews & Assessments - Coping with Interviews - Cepec Guide to Interviewing [view all articles in the UK] and [view all articles in Germany] |
Hamburg English Pages note: Many UK companies search for people who can work abroad. Even positions in Hamburg are occasionally available in the UK - use UK search websites and use the words "Jobs+Abroad" |
Writing a Winning US-Style Resume - Rough Guide |
"The purpose of a resume is to market capabilities, qualifications and credentials to potential employers." |
Reverse chronological structure / most important facts first
Less focus on person, rather on position. Relevant facts.
No large time gaps. Use month/year.
Structure - see download above as well: |
Career objective
Professional Experience
Other relevant (!) skills
Community Activities, Awards, Professional Recognition |
1) Career Objective |
1-3 sentences: who are you, why are you seeking what goal. Be concise, avoid mumbo-jumbo
Reason for applying from a professional perspective
For students: in most cases better put career objective into the cover letter
For graduates and professionals: absolutely important |
2) Education |
"Place education before experience if you are a student, recent graduate or have less than five years of work experience." |
include academic honors to show you excelled in your programme
Use numbers (Top 5% of class)
Use original terms (Abitur, Diplomkaufmann) and explain meaning (like "Diplomkaufmann is comparable to a Master´s Degree". Don´t call it an MBA if it really isn´t!)
Don't list every class, but rather outstanding achievements, specialisations and content relevant to the position |
3) Professional Experience |
"Avoid describing the companies you've worked at in a lot of detailsave details for the work you've done." |
There are three general types of resumes, describing your professional experience and qualifications in different formats:
Reverse chronological resumes starting with the most recent position applicable to the job you are seeking
Functional resumes focus on skills and accomplishments; or a combination of both.
Combination resumes combine features of the above two types |
Don´t just repeat the job description, but explain what you actually did, that is also important for the position you are now applying for
Prove Your Value (emphasise your accomplishments)
Quantify results
Use superlatives
Achieved the highest gross sales in the history of the store, a 17% increase over prior manager
Target Your Experience to Your Goal
Use Power Words
Be Honest
Use white space and bullet points |
4) Other Skills |
"Undergraduate extracurricular experiences can be valuable, particularly if you occupied a leadership position." |
Highlight skills to the job opening
Languages (native, fluent, advanced, basic)
Don't list too many technical skills (e.g.: MS Office instead of Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)
Illustrate how your past responsibilities correspond to the skills the current job requires
Athletics: teamwork skills
Performing or fine arts: communication skills, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines
Philanthropic work: leadership, organisational, and self-management skills |
5) Conclusion: Do's |
Do target your resume for the job you are applying for.
Do keep a copy on disk.
Do use a laser printer, (for professional-looking copy.)
Do stress accomplishments. Include figures to substantiate your claims
Do check for scan-ability
Do use strong action words:
Weak: worked on integrated circuits
Strong: designed integrated circuits
Do make the resume attractive and well organized for the eye
Do use bullet points and learn to work with tabs and tables
Do try to keep your CV to one page.
Do use two pages if needed.
Use ONE 9-11 pt font (Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman) and limit special formatting to bold, maybe underline. In Germany use size 12 font - Times New Roman only
Do undo Word's special formatting: hyperlink colours, changing fonts/fontsize |
Do have a professional, friendly picture attached. NO passport photos. Photo: circa 6cm high by 4.5 cm wide. No trick photography, or digitally retouched photos. Dress to suit the job on the photo itself. Have different photos for various positions. Bank example: for men, wear black suit with grey tie. Sales: grey suit with pale lilac or grey tie. Find out what the people usually wear where you would like to apply. Remember, some colours will make you look ill on the photo. Photos should have pleasing studio backgrounds, that compliment your outfit and skin colour. Ladies, try to avoid shrill coloured scarfs and jewellry. Men, do not wear macho medallions and brightly coloured ties. Do not borrow a suit, or outfit for a photo unless you intend to wear the same outfit to the job interview and again on your first day etc |
6) Conclusion: Dont's |
Don't write covering letters and Resume's/CV''s near cigarette smoke or perfume. Non-smokers can smell a letter from a smoker a mile off. Perfume evokes emotional reactions, negative and positive. |
Dont forget to proofread for errors. Best seen when printed.
Dont mention salary in the US, but mention how much you would prefer in Germany.
Don't volunteer too much information up front.
Don't mention your Grundschule, your parents, relatives or pets.
Don't mess up/mix up comma and full-stop/dot.
Don't leave out long time periods.
Don't mention watching TV or sleeping as hobbies - hobbies are often left out in modern German-US style CV''s. |
Only for authentic US-applications: |
Don't include a picture
Don't mention age, race, gender, religion
Don't mention hobbies, unless you want to stress a particular personal achievement |
The above is only a rough guide |
Tips |
How to find a job in Germany (2011) |
Interviews |
Be prepared
Make sure you research or mystery shop the company beforehand. For example if your prospective employer is a retailer, try being a customer. It's advisable to visit their website and look up the About us' section on their site. You'll learn a lot about the company values from there. You should also check the Press Release' or News' sections of their site so you can find out what widgets or latest service initiatives they have. This area of their site will also give you an insight into how transparent the organisation is about what they're doing. They may feature employees of the month here or recent promotions too. In an interview situation all of the above will show the interviewer that you are thinking about how' you would do the job, which is what they want to hear.
Be punctual
Don't fall at the first hurdle by turning up late. This is the big interview no-no, and could help you to decide your fate before you've even spoken a word. Getting lost' does not sit comfortably with interviewers.
Be smart!
Make sure you dress smartly and in a plain and simple way. There are exceptions depending on the industry a full suit and tie combination might be too formal for an interview at a hip new media agency or alternative food shop. Also, go easy on the aftershave or perfume you don't want the interviewer to pass out half way through!
Don't be funny
Remember, this is a job interview. You're there to convince the interviewer you're the right person for the job. So don't crack jokes or tell funny anecdotes (they'll almost all be offensive to some one). Remember you want to appear professional.
After the interview
If you're unsuccessful, use it as an opportunity to improve. Seek feedback from the interviewer, you're entitled to it, if you were skills or competency tested ask for the results. This shows initiative and keeness on your part, as well as boosting your future interview success chances, the interviewer may consider you for future vacancies at the company.
Personal evaluation toolkit - Career - Unilever |
Psychometric testing (ability) - An introduction etc - follow other links as well - VNU Net |
HELP! The Links or click here for a live rough translation |
Jobs - Getting away with it, versus being legal - thanks to JPOC - external website |
Career Centre - Tips and Advice: Interviews, CV's etc - Monster |
Resigning from your job - Hints and Tips - Monster |
Useful Info: CV, Job seeking Tips, Occupations, Jobsites |
Careers: Preparation makes job interviews less stressful Dead link updated - May 04 |
Please report dead links - we are not always quick enough - thanks |
Employment Agencies
Please use these groups to place notices:
Arbeitsamt (Job Centre) - Addresses in Hamburg with opening times |
Vacancies |
Please use these groups to place notices:
Warning: There should be no need to provide your bank account details or to send any cash when applying for a job. We strongly advise that jobseekers should never supply bank account details or any other financial information |
Please add job vacancies. - E-Mail |
This website is useful for jobs. You can search for jobs, or add your own job notices for free. Click logo, select Stellenangebote and add Hamburg as your search word for a general search. You can also find your area of expertise and search there. The website is in German. See our Translation page, to find out how to translate this website |
Work permits in Germany |
Job Search Engine - add "Hamburg" with "Englisch or English" not both together (Suchbegriff) |
Hamburger Abendblatt Newspaper Job Pages |
Monster.de has a free CV upload facility |
Monster.co.uk (English with CV upload) |
Job Search Hamburg MSN Jobs (English) |
Search for Hamburg Jobs on JobPilot.de |
www.stellenangebote.de |
Tip: Search in the Jobs Abroad sections of UK job websites |
Tip: Airbus is currently searching for new employees - www.airbus.com |
Job Agency Links in northern Germany and much more - from the Arbeitsamt |
Arbeitsamt (Job Centre) - Info in Hamburg |
Add your vacancies here free, during 2005/2006 until further notice. Please report dead links - we are not always quick enough - thanks |
Please note: No MLM, Wellness, Insurance or 100,000 Euro a week jobs, or similiar can be accepted! Please read our terms and conditions. Please appreciate, we cannot answer all E-Mails or insert all jobs. We take no responsibility for any links, vacancies or notices placed on these pages - see contact page for full details. We do not vet companies before they place notices. Please make a well thought out decision before signing anything, giving your full contact details or making the next move |
Volunteers |
Please use these groups to place notices:
Volunteers: English speaking people wanted in all areas of Germany to set up a service similiar to Hamburg English Pages via our START PAGE www.englishpages.de. You will be representing English speaking people, supplying reliable local information, photos and events and will be updating online interactive groups or one group. Your company banner, or services could be integrated, or private individuals could widen their horizons and job prospects |
Volunteer: English speaking garden expert required to provide short garden tips for the Hamburg English Pages Garden page in English, on a once-a-month basis - with option of providing garden Event news and tips on gardens, parks and exhibitions in Germany. Experience of northern German climate and weather useful. Volunteer basis, in return for free advertising. Please use the Contact Page |
Volunteer: English speaking local sport expert required for short reports, once a month, in return for free advertising on Hamburg English Pages - Contact Page |
Wanted |
Please use these groups to place notices:
Please appreciate, companies replying to notices placed by individuals on Hamburg English Pages are required to identify themselves and the company they represent in full. They are also required to supply a full job description and registered company address when making contact for the first time. Complaints will be followed up and details will be passed to the appropriate authorities. We consider E-Mail addresses ending with yahoo, hotmail, t-online and other mass E-Mail services as inappropriate when representing respectable companies. Please use a registered company domain name at the end of your E-Mail address, such as, your.name@company.de
Working Abroad (Germany) |
Please appreciate that all tips are the result of general research and are to be treated as a rough guide only. It is important to make sure you have informed yourselves in all aspects of working abroad as there is a lot you need to do and know before you get the job. The legalities should be researched thoroughly before leaving. Talk to an Embassy, or Consulate. Ignorance of the law, is no excuse in Germany. This applies to Brits too
JANUARY 2010: Prospects are looking bleak in Germany, with many job losses and many more to come
November/December 2002 (update: the highest jobless figures since the 30's in March 2005 - 5.2 million jobless): Please note the job situation is critical in Hamburg. Only the lucky few appear to be getting the jobs they want. The job pages, in some local newspapers, have shrunk by as much as 80 percent and the Hamburg job centre is reporting a lack of jobs in all sectors - although they are no help anyway. Many large companies stopped taking new employees on. The news is full of lay-offs and companies going bankrupt in Germany. The computer, internet, aircraft and building industry has been hit hard.
Where do you start when coming to Germany? You should start at the German Embassy or Consulate in your country before leaving. You could create a list of things you have to do, based on the information you have received. Then create a list of keywords associated with the information you now have and search the Internet with them - add country and later the town to narrow the search. Try using Google.co.uk and Google.de to refine your search. Google.com is too general and keeps finding things in the USA. Read the information you find and compare notes. If you come from the US, Canada or Australia and you want to work in Germany, you will need a green card. We are aware of a few people who were sent back to get the green cards personally from the German Embassy in their respective lands. Our information suggests that green cards are not given out in Germany. We have not heard of any exceptions as yet, but that's not to say that exceptions don't exist. You may find that you can only stay for 90 days, but ask first.
Tip: By registering with British employment websites and searching in the Abroad sections, jobs have been found in Hamburg. This is worth a try. We suggest, if you require a job in Hamburg, that you register with a few internet based job companies and note that you are searching for work in Germany and Hamburg. It is occasionally possible to narrow down personal requirements while registering. Tip: www.monster.de and www.monster.co.uk have a CV upload function on the websites. It is now possible to upload a Word based CV / Resume and it will be converted into a website based format for companies, who use passwords and user names, to read - in other words, it is not online for hackers and other criminals to read and abuse - never place your CV openly online, with all your contact details. Women are at risk to bogus job interviews, so choose a safe way of presenting yourself
Why advertise your skills with British based internet job companies? Well, Britain is closer to the European mainland and the language is English, an advantage to those that have not learnt German yet. Another reason is that it has been reported that British IT people are highly rated in Germany, so if you are a computer expert, you can register and be found - its worth a try for anyone who speaks English! |
Work permits in Germany |
Mobbing, Psychoterror, Victimisation, Bullying at work |
This affects many of us in all walks of life. We have started this section to help stem illegal mobbing/bullying and to collect information to help others to come to terms with a situation which can even lead to suicide and family ruin, especially when finances and stress are combined. Please send us your experiences and tell us how you overcame any difficulties, where you went for advice, about websites and about any info material you may have that could help others |
Please appreciate, we cannot translate legal documents or legal decisions. Our translation page should be used with caution, when reading roughly translated legal documents. We distance ourselves from any form of difficulty arising from our suggestion to use the translation tool. We take no responsibility whatsoever for the outcome in the event of any mistunderstandings. It is your decision alone. Thanks for your uderstanding in this matter and please consult a professional person before taking any action in respect to bullying or any legal matters |
Fire Brigade Union Guide to Bullying at Work - very informative and includes:
Introduction - What is bullying - The legal position (UK) - Raising bullying at work - Developing a policy on workplace bullying - Helping bullied members - What you can do if you are being bullied - Information |
Stop Power Games!
Are you looking forward to work, or are you looking forward to finishing for the day? A sign of the times... wake up, those workers, managers and bosses that use questionable tactics against fellow workers
Treat your colleagues the way you would want to be treated! The only way to get 100% out of the workforce...
Victimisation costs billions in lost revenue and could lead to lost contracts and even bankruptcy - even more important, it seriously affects the health of workers and their families.
Victimisation means the victim is forced to spend 50%+ of his or her time protecting themselves, instead of working hard.
Don't victimise others just to make yourself look good, feel good or to get ahead...
Power is not everything in life!
Fate will play with you as well! Your day will come
Extracts from various Internet sources |
Employment Laws, Notices & Advice |
Arbeitsgericht Hamburg / Employment Courts |
Roadmap to The 'Green Card' in Germany - American Chamber |
Roadmap to Starting a Company in Germany - American Chamber |
Roadmap to Work and Residence Permits in Germany - American Chamber |
Compulsory Notification of Impending Unemployment (Meldepflicht bei drohender Arbeitslosigkeit) Since first of July 2003 new rules apply for notifying the employment office (Arbeitsamt) in connection with contract termination - we will improve the standard of English, written by the Employment office, ASAP
Original pdf document in German - Acrobat Reader required
Each person liable for insurance deductions (Versicherungspflichtiger) shall claim 'job-seeking' with the local employment office immediately though latest within 7 days on notice of the contract termination (§ 37b SGB III). Goal of this new regulation is to achieve a fast re-employment via the Arbeitsamt avoiding or reducing unemployment times
Rule of thumb: notice to unemployment office 3 months prior to termination
In case of temporary contracts or in case of notice periods exceeding 3 months the employment office must be notified latest 3 months prior to the termination of work contract. This applies also for 'mutual termination agreements' (Aufhebungsvertrag). Persons liable for insurance deductions for whom this new regulation applies are all regular employees including colleagues temporarily 'inactive' due to e.g.: Military service, alternative civilian service, maternity leave, parental leave (Elternzeit)
Consequences: Reduction of unemployment benefit
If the employment office is not informed on time, the unemployment benefit is reduced for each day of the delayed notification up to 30 days (§140 SGB III). This can result in a maximum of 1500 Euro reduction. Nevertheless, the social insurance protection remains
What else to consider
Even if you consider your dismissal invalid or you have filed a lawsuit, the obligation to inform the employment office remains. Also, the notification does not replace the claim for unemployment benefit; this needs to be done in addition. If necessary, you can apply for 'release from work' (Freistellung) asking your line manager and inform the Arbeitsamt during normal office hours
Source: Arbeitsamt |
Quotes and Questions |
Quotes... |
Never bully others to make yourself look good, because you will be paid back in full |
Remember that everyone is influenced by kindness |
Never finish a compliment with, 'but' |
Listen, don't turn a blind eye - even more so when you are the boss or manager |
Don't say no until you've heard the whole story |
Read between the lines |
Use your past experience as a trampoline, not as an easy chair |
Mind your own business |
Refuse to share personal and financial information unless you feel it is absolutely essential |
At meetings, resist turning round to see who has just arrived late |
Start every day with the most important thing you have to do. Save the rest for later |
Accept the fact that regardless of how many times you are right, you will sometimes be wrong |
Remember that half the joy of achievement is in the anticipation |
When you mean no, say it in a way that's not ambiguous |
Never betray a confidence! |
In just the moment you say, 'I give up,' someone else is saying, 'what a great opportunity' |
Never claim a victory prematurely |
Judge people from where they stand, not from where you stand |
Do the right thing, regardless of what others think |
Questions... |
Why is it that so many jobs are obtained through contacts and good/questIonable relations, rather than through ability? |
Why do so many companies miss the most important cost saving factors and dismiss staff members instead of coming to terms with the real cost generators? |
Why is power more important than worker satisfaction, or a company that functions correctly at all levels? |
Why is it, that during the job interview everybody is nice to you, shows you round the wonderful company and makes you coffee, but after the contract has been signed your new boss turns into Jekyll and Hyde, treats you with contempt, ignores you or shows no respect at all? Have you experienced this as well? Let me know how you dealt with this problem, or not, as the case may be - add your theme, tips and advice today |
Protection Against Questionable Employment Tactics Etc |
Please appreciate, we cannot accept job opportunities that do not describe the job in full detail from the start. Commission only jobs, door-to-door selling, MLM in any form, no-name big money offers, cash jobs and similiar types of work cannot be included on these pages. This is not to say that all these companies are questionable, but to avoid having questionable companies advertising on these pages, the rule must apply to all. We will evaluate all enquiries and answer only those that fit in with our concept
All job vacancy notices should include an office telephone number, E-mail & web address if available, full job description, job title, place of work, registered company address, official contact partner etc. The use of, for example, hotels for interviews must be accompanied with a reason why. Mobile telephone numbers, expensive 0190 or similiar numbers and telephone numbers in other lands, must be avoided, unless accompanied with a local German number and/or a full explanation. Re-routing of calls to expensive numbers and quoting secondary numbers on answering machines is not permitted in conjunction with any notices placed on these pages. Sexual, physical and racial equality is a priority and is German law
We have an unusual policy of refusing advertising to companies whose employees have been proven to have been victimised, bullied or treated illegally or badly
Please note that Spams and unwanted advertising without prior permission of Hamburg English Pages or that of third parties reached by using these pages, will be treated as abuse and invasion of privacy. All forms of unwanted contact will be traced and saved as evidence - we always report abuse to the providers and to spam reporting agencies |
Photos: taken and recreated by HEP unless stated
Permission to use photos here
Hamburg English Pages DESIGN and WEBSITE service. Server FOR YOUR HOMEPAGE and TRANSLATIONS available through our co-operation partners. Digital PHOTOGRAPHY, photo montages and retouched photo service available. Internet RESEARCH service. We can supply an English version of your German website or correct your existing English language pages on your German website
Enquiries welcome |
Top |